$SUI I have observed that there is a very obvious separation between the popularity of Sui in Chinese and Western cultures. In Western currency media, such as Cointelegraph, the largest currency media on YouTube, and major currency KOLs, the competition between Sui and Sol has become a highlight in the currency circle. However, in Chinese circles, especially Simplified Chinese circles, the attitude towards Sui is mostly contempt or wait-and-see.

It is worth noting that in traditional Chinese markets, such as Taiwan and Hong Kong, the response to Sui has been very enthusiastic, which is in sharp contrast to the simplified Chinese circle. The reasons behind such differences in attitudes are worth exploring. For a long time, cryptocurrencies respected by the West have usually occupied a leading position in the global currency circle. However, this time Sui's sudden rise bucked the trend, but it was met with a cold shoulder by the Jianzhong circle. Some KOLs in the currency circle even listed reasons for contempt and wait-and-see, resulting in Many Jianzhongquan investors missed out on potential opportunities to get rich.

This cultural and attitudinal fragmentation reflects the differences in information reception and value evaluation standards in currency circles in different regions, and is worthy of deeper thinking.