We highlight a significant issue in the current state of the crypto market, particularly with the influx of new participants brought in through platforms like Telegram mini apps and TON airdrops. The sudden popularity of these tools has indeed introduced a wave of users who may lack a deeper understanding of the market, creating a culture that often prioritizes hype over substance.

This trend is problematic because it shifts the focus from the innovative potential of blockchain technology and crypto projects to short-term gains and speculative behavior. When newcomers flood the market with unsubstantiated claims like "$DOGS to the moon" or "$HMSTR to $45," it can distort the value of assets and foster unrealistic expectations. These actions can contribute to volatility, undermine the reputation of the crypto industry, and even dissuade institutional investors and serious participants from engaging with the space.

You're right that exchanges have a role to play here. By implementing stricter listing criteria and being more discerning about which projects they support, they can help maintain a healthier market environment. Excluding tokens that lack a clear value proposition or whose communities are primarily driven by speculation could protect the market from further instability. This approach could also encourage the growth of projects that emphasize real-world utility and long-term sustainability over hype.

Ultimately, addressing this issue requires a collective effort from exchanges, project developers, and even community leaders to promote a culture of education and responsibility within the space. By fostering a deeper understanding of the market fundamentals, the community can help mitigate the impact of speculative behavior and guide the industry toward sustainable growth.

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