Most of the old investors who are now heavily invested and scarred entered the market at the end of the bull market in 2018 and were trapped.

Those who can really make a lot of money in the Bi circle have two things in common: one is the courage under the blessing of wisdom, and the other is capital.

The so-called 28th law of finance actually classifies people's human nature. Those who dare to buy when no one cares and sell in the midst of the crowd account for 20%, and the rest are leeks.

Are you only leeks who dare to buy on the road of chasing the rise?

Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching emphasizes that things that are too strong are often prone to aging because they violate the law of Tao. Is this the same as when we play in the Bi circle?

Whenever there is a god coin in its early days, let alone those who choose to wait and see, it is already very good that they don't say it is a scam.

Just like the big cake, it has been said to be a scam. If it were you, would you be willing to be deceived by this scam of hundreds of thousands of yuan per coin?

When the god coin rose to the sky, there were many leeks who sold their cars and houses to get in by online loans.

The winning logic of spot trading is: buy at low prices, cover positions when you are stuck, and play dead when there is no position to cover. If you always buy a Bi when it has risen by more than ten or twenty points, it is unfair for you to lose money.

All the ways to play in the Bi circle can be attributed to two types, either rising or falling, or either opening large or opening small. Is there anything wrong with this?

If you often buy large and the money in your pocket is not so thick now, then if you bought small at that time, would it be different?

As Buffett said: Others are panicking and I am greedy, and others are greedy and I am panicking.

Every big drop is the time for you to add positions. Cherish this round of bull market. Friends who like spot trading and don’t know how to layout 👉 Leave a message 1, I will teach you