
Today, 5,000 A-shares fell, and 300 rose, and the market started to cut leeks.

The stock market situation this year is too similar to that in 1999

The stock market situation this year is too similar to that in 1999, which is not a good sign. The painful lessons of the bursting of the Internet bubble are now beginning to emerge in the stock market.

In 1999, the Internet had just emerged, and the streets were full of "wind outlets" and "tracks". Various concept stocks emerged in an endless stream, and stock prices soared like a rocket. At that time, people were immersed in the craze of "the Internet changes the world", and no one thought about when the bubble would burst. As a result, when the bubble burst, the stock market was in mourning, and countless investors lost all their money.

Nowadays, new concepts such as artificial intelligence, metaverse, and new energy are emerging in an endless stream, and the stock market is once again in a frenzy. For some companies, their performance has not improved, but their market value has risen ridiculously. This can't help but remind people of the Internet bubble in 1999. History is always surprisingly similar.

The bursting of this stock market bubble may not be as rapid as in 1999, but it will definitely bring huge risks. Investors should keep a clear head and not be swayed by market sentiment, let alone blindly chasing ups and downs. After all, the investment market always has risks and opportunities. Only by thinking calmly can you be invincible in the stock market.

The bursting of this stock market bubble may be more violent than that in 1999, because the market is now full of various "cutting leeks" phenomena. Some companies use various concepts to hype stock prices, and ordinary investors are the ultimate victims.

Finally, cash is king, and you can ambush potential currencies and wait for them to take off. If you haven't followed my cousin's head, follow me so you don't get lost. I'm with you.