In fact, it is not difficult to see that there are only a few ultimate goals for this round of bull market.

Some people want to quietly transfer the risks to stockholders, making them the final payers.

Those who are well versed in capital operation attempt to redistribute wealth quietly with the help of rounds of capital waves.

First, some emerging industry enterprises can obtain huge financing to achieve rapid development, but stockholders have to face huge uncertainties.

Second, in order to make the financial market more attractive and attract international capital inflows, the rights and interests of ordinary investors are often ignored to a certain extent.

Third, create a prosperous appearance to induce investors who are not aware of the situation to follow blindly, and eventually make them high-level buyers.

Fourth, use the lively scene of the bull market to cover up the deep-seated contradictions in the economic development model and hinder the pace of reform.

Fifth, let some poor-quality enterprises take the opportunity to enter the capital market and plunder the hard-earned savings of stockholders, but stockholders are completely unaware.

Sixth, taking advantage of the bull market boom, some intermediary institutions can earn a lot of service fees and commissions, but turn a blind eye to the plight of stockholders.

Seventh, in order to maintain the appearance of financial market stability, improper intervention in the market may be made, putting stockholders in a more difficult situation.

Eighth, by creating a bull market atmosphere, divert the public's attention from people's livelihood issues.

Ninth, let some major shareholders take the opportunity to reduce their holdings, leaving all risks to small and medium-sized stockholders.

Tenth, take advantage of the profit-seeking mentality of stockholders and set traps in the bull market, making it difficult for stockholders to extricate themselves.

Eleventh, in order to meet the needs of certain specific interest groups, promote the development of the bull market, and damage the fundamental interests of the majority of stockholders.

Twelfth, through the hustle and bustle of the bull market, cover up the weak links and shortcomings in financial supervision.