Good evening, everyone. Let's take a look at the market. At noon, the big cake fell from 62700 to 62000 and then rebounded to 62400. At noon, the aunt fell from 2445 to 2415 and then rebounded to 2438. Then it fell to 2409 and rebounded to 2430.

From the current structure, the big cake short-term shrinkage is positive. Pay attention to 63200 above and 60200 below. From the four-hour structure, the short energy increment of the big cake is 62600 above and 61600 below. From the one-hour structure, the big cake is shrinking and pay attention to 61800 below. The idea is still to take more at low positions. #大A香还是大饼香 #非农人数大幅升温 #HBO纪录片或揭示中本聪身份 $BTC $ETH