Is the stagnation of Bitcoin in the past two days affected by the A-share market?

Yesterday, BTC's highest point was 64478, and now it has returned to 62340. There has been little fluctuation in the past few days, and it has been trading. This is closely related to the A-share market. Danny Chong, co-founder of the Singapore Digital Asset Association, believes that this capital transfer is temporary. He expects that once the A-share market stabilizes, the cryptocurrency market will regain momentum.

However, others are skeptical about the long-term impact of the domestic stimulus policy. Analysts at TS Lombard and BCA Research question whether this stimulus policy can solve the deep-seated problems of the Chinese economy. They are also unsure whether the current rebound in the stock market can continue. While the surge in the Chinese stock market may temporarily draw investment away from Bitcoin, many analysts believe that this shift will not last. As the Chinese market stabilizes, funds are expected to flow back to the cryptocurrency market, rekindling the bullish trend for Bitcoin and other digital assets. Check the homepage and look forward to in-depth exchanges with you.

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