The bull market is the main reason for retail investors to lose money, and the reason is similar to "good cards are the main reason for losing money in Texas Hold'em".

Even in a bull market, retail investors often buy high due to "fear of missing out" (FOMO), ignore fundamental analysis and risk control, and even increase leverage. When the market pulls back, overly optimistic retail investors are often caught off guard and suffer huge losses.

Similarly, in Texas Hold'em, holding "good cards" makes players overconfident and willing to bet more. However, the complexity of the game means that good cards may lose their advantage due to changes in opponent strategies or public cards. Overconfidence makes players ignore potential risks and ultimately lead to losses.

In both scenarios, the apparent "favorable conditions" often make people relax their vigilance and ignore inherent uncertainties and risk control. Therefore, the bull market and good cards themselves are not the root causes of losses. The key lies in overconfidence and risk neglect.

In short, whether in a bull market or when holding good cards, heavy bets due to ignoring risks may eventually lead to greater losses. The current market recovery recommends that you do not borrow money to trade in coins, loans to trade in stocks, or leverage BTC, ETH, BNB. It is equally important to keep in mind the risks!

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