Neiro in 2024 is like Ordi in 2023, and CTO in 2024 is like Inscription in 2023.

Both follow similar patterns and strategies. Whether it is community autonomy or retail investors' fair subscription, the logic behind them is dissatisfaction with the existing industry ecology.

Whether there are big funds behind these projects or whether there are dealers controlling the market, these are all open secrets.

Narratives are narratives, and pull-ups are pull-ups. The key lies in how smart money and dealers follow the narrative to guide market sentiment.

These patterns are repeated again and again, but they are just covered with different stories to keep the market following.

#HBO纪录片或揭示中本聪身份 #EIGEN、OP、ENA大额解锁 #以太坊生态meme币 #9月小非农数据高于预期