1. Initial stage: The stock market quietly recovered, beyond market expectations. Some risk-taking investors, eager to get rich quickly, even borrowed money to enter the market.

  2. The frenzy spreads: Market sentiment gradually heats up, and media reports further ignite investors' enthusiasm. It seems that everyone can become a stock market expert, and the potential risks are put aside.

  3. Increased competition: As more investors come in, transaction volume rises significantly. The market atmosphere has reached a boiling point, and participants are convinced that they are standing on the top of wealth.

  4. Opportunities in adjustments: Stock prices fluctuate, but investors see this as a good opportunity to buy, believing that the bull market is far from over.

  5. Cracks began to appear: the market began to diverge, some stocks fell sharply, and investors' anxiety quietly grew.

  6. The polarization is intensifying: a few investors are choosing to take profits while the majority are holding on, hoping that the market will resume its upward trend.

  7. Regulatory intervention: As regulatory pressure increases, market optimism gradually dissipates and price fluctuations become more severe.

  8. Panic spreads: A series of negative news comes one after another, causing market panic. Stock prices fall sharply and investors' enthusiasm is completely dampened.

  9. Selling frenzy: Panic selling sweeps the market, and the confidence that once supported the bull market disappears, replaced by deep worry and regret.

  10. Deep Adjustment: The market enters a deep correction phase. Investors who have held positions for too long are in trouble, and their dreams of getting rich easily become a bubble.

  11. Divergent opinions: Market experts and analysts expressed their views, some remained optimistic while others turned pessimistic, leaving investors in a more confused situation.

  12. Gradually stabilizing: After a long period of adjustment, the market has begun to stabilize, but many investors have suffered heavy losses.

  13. The end of the bull market: The bull market ended with a weak rebound, leaving a profound lesson. Investors began to reflect on their decisions and prepare for the next market cycle.

The bull market is like an adventure of ups and downs, with both highs and lows. It reminds us that keeping a clear head in the market frenzy is the key to steadily controlling the stock market and achieving long-term investment goals.

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