Last night, it hit 64400, and then fell back to the starting point again, with the lowest point near 62100. According to the market, the short-term Kongtou force is slightly superior, the hourly Bollinger band opens upward, the currency price is near the middle track, and the Duotou has a signal of large volume

After the current decline, it is oscillating again. The operation suggestion is to look at a wave of retracement first, and then Duotou

It is recommended to Duotou around 62000-61500 for the big cake, and look at 63500-64000

Yitai Duotou around 2400-2380, and look at 2470-2500

The sailing situation is ever-changing, and you can only return to Xuefancang by adjusting your mentality!

#加密市场反弹 #非农人数大幅升温 #大A香还是大饼香 #9月小非农数据高于预期