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The US presidential election: A "Game of Thrones" drama in which all citizens participate

Just when you think you’ve seen through politics, the 2024 US election tells you that the plot is always more twists and turns than you imagined.

Political veterans and newcomers dance together, who is the real protagonist?

In this era of uncertainty, the American political arena seems to have become a huge arena. Trump of the Republican Party is like a veteran boxer who does not play by the rules. He once again waved his iconic blond hair and sharp words, trying to awaken the enthusiasm of his supporters in his own way. On the other hand, the Democratic Party is a mixture of old and new faces, including experienced politicians and new faces with fresh blood. They use progress and tolerance as their slogans to strive for the hearts of the younger generation. This contest is not only a clash of policies, but also a competition of personal charm. It's like saying, "Hey, don't just look at my policies, look at how interesting I am!"

Social media: a powerful campaign weapon or a double-edged sword in the new era?

How can we talk about modern campaigns without mentioning social media? Nowadays, candidates must not only be good at talking, but also be good at telling jokes, because a tweet can spark more discussion than a public speech. Trump is a master in this regard, and his Twitter account is simply a hot topic generator with its own traffic. But social media is also a double-edged sword. It can quickly spread positive information, but it can also instantly amplify negative news. For candidates, how to skillfully use this platform to avoid unnecessary controversy while maintaining authenticity and a friendly image has become one of the keys to winning the election.

The power of voters: Everyone is a key character in the script

The ultimate decision on the outcome of this drama is still made by the voters. Each vote represents a choice of the direction of the country in the next four years or even longer. Faced with such an important decision, many Americans have begun to participate more actively in political discussions, not only expressing their voices through voting, but also using various channels to speak out and influence others. This increase in participation has undoubtedly brought more vitality to the entire society, and made people realize that no matter what the result is, active participation itself is a victory.

Regardless of which candidate will eventually enter the White House, what is important is that this process allows us to see the sparks generated by the collision of different ideas under the democratic system. In this seemingly serious but not without lighthearted moments of "Game of Thrones", each participant is writing a story of this era in his or her own way. As an audience, we are fortunate to witness all of this and draw strength from it to move forward.

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