The recent financial news is really one after another. The Fed has done a big thing. For example, in September, when the non-agricultural data came out, the market exploded instantly, which really shocked everyone. Now everyone understands that the Fed is going to cut interest rates? Wishful thinking! Powell came out with a firm attitude: "Take your time, no rush." ​​As a result, the US dollar was like taking stimulants and went up straight, and the RMB followed suit and took a big dive

This is no small matter. If the RMB depreciates, the lives of ordinary people will become more difficult. Just think about it, when we travel abroad or shop overseas, we spend a lot of money without paying attention. And those bosses doing foreign trade will have their profits swallowed up by the exchange rate in minutes. They are really anxious like ants on a hot pot.

However, there is an interesting phenomenon here. Although the depreciation of the RMB has brought us pressure in the short term, in the long run, it has also brought opportunities to our export companies. After all, the depreciation of the RMB means that our products are more competitive in the international market and the prices are cheaper.

The picture comes from the Internet

At this point, we have to mention the game of currency. The exchange rate, to put it bluntly, is how much foreign currency one dollar can exchange. When the RMB depreciates and the US dollar appreciates, a lot of capital begins to flow to the United States. Why? Because the US market has a high return on capital. Who would be willing to go there to make money?

But the logic behind this is not that simple. The Fed's actions seem to be regulating the US economy, but in fact they are "harvesting" wealth around the world. Those countries with fragile economic foundations have undoubtedly become the most direct victims.

Imagine that if the US dollar becomes strong, the currencies of other countries will be questioned. Depreciation is like the aftershocks after an earthquake. The entire economic market is hit hard. For example, Japan, the British pound, and even our neighboring won are all victims of this storm.

So, what is the situation in China? Don't worry, let's slowly sort out the relationship. In recent years, China's economy has grown steadily, and its attractiveness in the global economy has become increasingly apparent. Many international capitals have begun to focus on us, especially funds frozen in the United States have quietly turned to the Chinese market. Real estate, stocks and other fields have become "investment hotspots"

The picture comes from the Internet

It is true that capital inflows did not appear out of thin air, but the global economic landscape is quietly changing. When other countries' economies are hit, especially when the United States is wielding the big stick of raising interest rates, China appears to be unusually resilient.

Behind this is the fact that the foundation of China's economy has begun to stabilize. Many investors have gradually realized that China's opportunities in the future will undoubtedly outweigh the risks. For example, our infrastructure construction and technological innovation market have huge potential, and the influx of international capital can provide sufficient financial support for all of this.

But at this point, you may think that since capital is concentrated in China, our economy will definitely flourish. But in fact, opportunities and challenges always coexist. The impact of the Fed's "harvesting" strategy should not be underestimated. Behind the influx of capital, we also have to face the potential risks that come with it.

Changes in liquidity, the formation of market bubbles, and the switching of capital between different fields will bring considerable challenges. This requires the government and enterprises to work together to ensure the effectiveness of policies, maximize the use of these external capitals, and maintain the rationality and stability of the market.

The picture comes from the Internet

For example, if a lot of relatives suddenly come to your house and you have a lot of pocket money, everyone wants to buy delicious food and fun things. If you are busy meeting everyone's needs and don't manage the money well, it is very likely that there will be a lot of waste and complaints in the end. It is particularly important to manage this capital.

I sincerely hope that our decision makers can control this wave of capital, attract capital inflows and prevent market risks. This is a process that requires refined management and a game that brings major challenges to the national economy. In the future, the country will maintain a rational, stable and sustainable development trend in the face of challenges in the economic situation, so as to push the economy to a higher level.

This set of operations by the Federal Reserve is not only a "self-rescue" for the United States, but also a "blow" to the global economy. China faces both opportunities and challenges in this global capital reshuffle.

What should we do in this situation? Perhaps, we should stay alert and seize opportunities. This is the attitude we ordinary people should have. In any case, we look forward to clearer economic trends and opportunities for public participation in the future.

The picture comes from the Internet

So, let's hear your opinions. What do you think of this wave of "depth bombs" from the Federal Reserve? Welcome to communicate in the comment section, let's have a good chat

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