The rise of A shares has given me hope for the cryptocurrency circle. . .

To celebrate the National Day, the central bank personally pulled the market, and the market rose sharply.

Although most people have not yet recovered their investment, this rise that is out of fundamentals makes me think of the cryptocurrency circle...

It seems that A has also begun to follow the cryptocurrency circle route.

Let's be bolder. Will the official attitude change 180 degrees one day in the future?

Looking at A shares, it is not impossible that the policy changes in real estate in recent years have rekindled my hope for the B circle.

Of course, the premise of all this is absolutely based on supervision, and the supervision system currently depends on the United States. At that time, it may be combined with our characteristics.

Therefore, don't think too far now, buy some coins, and wait for the wealth to come.

By the way, now anti-money laundering, the United States has strengthened the control of the US dollar. When withdrawing money from the sea monster, etc. to the bank card will be rejected, and you can withdraw euros.

In the long run, there is no need to worry too much about the withdrawal problem. What if one day it can be legally withdrawn?

Who knows.

Anyway, the surge in A shares has made me see the possibility of the cryptocurrency circle.

Disclaimer: I don't trade stocks.

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