The current strategy of combining large positions with altcoins is actually quite safe. Although the returns may not be as high as those aggressive strategies that risk betting on success, it also reduces the risk of rollover. This is a long-term approach that stays in a safe range where you can advance or retreat. However, what is a little inadequate is that there is still a lack of a big meme coin worth holding heavily.

The big meme coin that I expected before has not had time to increase its position significantly, and it has already tripled. Investment is always full of uncertainty.

So, what kind of meme coin is worth holding heavily?

1. The life cycle cannot be too short, and it is best to have experienced the test of volatility.

2. The influence of meme should far exceed the number of existing holders, and there should be a large number of potential users to convert.

3. The current liquidity is sufficient, and the trading volume is large enough to support the entry and exit of large positions.

4. It has a distinctive IP or cultural characteristics that can attract users outside the circle and can be understood at a glance.

5. It is currently in a stage of imminent outbreak. Whether it is building a position on the left or taking over on the right, it should not be the kind that has risen 10 times from the bottom. #HBO纪录片或揭示中本聪身份