Dealing with the soaring market: How to overcome anxiety and secure the profits!

In the soaring market, how to overcome anxiety and secure the profits? Here are two sets of methodologies for your reference.

First, the principle of equal rise and fall. Recall how you survived the decline, so when it goes back up, you should stick to it in the same way. Don't hold on to your full position when it's falling, but always feel itchy to do swing trading in the rebound stage, which results in fewer and fewer positions. Carefully check your previous buying points and try to make them symmetrical, so that you can give yourself an explanation.

Second, the principle of passivation. When the increase is too large and you have the idea of ​​selling, you can sell, but don't sell all or half of your position at once. In a volatile market, the rapid switching of large positions can easily ruin your mentality. Every time you have the idea of ​​selling, sell only 10% of your position, close the exchange immediately after selling, and resolutely stop paying attention to it on the same day. If you still have the intention to sell the next day, do it again. Don't worry too much about missing the short-term highs. Wanting to sell all positions at the highest point is an unrealistic fantasy that will only disturb your mind.


When you trade stocks and coins, you are actually trading your own mentality. Crazy market conditions can easily lead to crazy emotions. The more you worry about gains and losses, the easier it is to mess up the transaction. Only by keeping a calm and rational mindset can you make wise decisions in the market fluctuations and achieve real profit.

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