We are at the #bitcoin halving price that took place on April 24!

History: 28 November 2012

Block number: 210,000

Block reward, BTC 25

BTC created per day: 3600

Initial BTC price: $12

BTC price after 100 days: $42

BTC price after 1 year: $964

History: 9 July 2016

Block number: 420.000

Block reward, BTC 12,50

BTC created per day: 1.800

Initial BTC price: $663

BTC price after 100 days: $609

BTC price after 1 year: $2550

History: 11 May 2020

Block number: 630.000

Block reward, BTC 6,25

BTC created per day: 900

Initial BTC price: $8740

BTC price after 100 days: $11.950

BTC price after 1 year: $58.250

History: 19 April 2024

Block number: 840.000

Block reward, BTC 3,125

BTC created per day: 450

Initial BTC price: $62.013

BTC price after 100 days: $65.596

BTC price after 1 year: ??