This month the number of active wallets on exceeded 1,000,000! We are growing at an astronomical rate and are not going to slow down 😎

Remember how we recently celebrated reaching 1,000,000 subscribers for the entire life of the project? Now we have reached this number of users in just 30 days!

I would also like to remind you that a major update of STON.FI has been released, which has been awaited for 2 years.

The team has completely reworked all smart contracts to improve the operation of DEX trading.

🟠Now token trading will take place with minimal commissions, thanks to new smart contracts. The difference is significant. For example: USDT\TON exchange costs me $0.15

Unlike Tonkeeper with 0.5$

🟠Liquidity pools and protection from snipers:

In the new mechanics, adding liquidity has become easier, in just one operation. And when pouring liquidity into new tokens, there is now protection against snipers who dumped the rate at the start of trading.

🟠For other projects that integrate STON.FI into their product, there is also an update in the form of setting up referral commissions and adaptation in various tasks.

😌 Now, about the functions that were not included in the list, but are in the queue for an update:

🟠New mechanics in liquidity pools.

For example, if you have a large amount of tokens, but little USDT, then you can throw in liquidity in any proportion, for example 80% of the token, and only 20% of USDT.

This is something new and a very useful feature, in my opinion.

🟠Do you want to see even more interesting mechanics?

It will be possible to supply liquidity with one token instead of two. And also - the output of the provided liquidity in the selected token or token ratio. You have definitely not seen such a flexible setting for liquidity providers! This is straight up nanotechnology.

🟠Remember how difficult it was to farm in pairs?

Now it will be easier, instead of 2 transactions, there will be only one. Faster and cheaper.

🟠Another new thing among DEX, routing.

The algorithm itself will find the most efficient token routes regardless of whether the necessary liquidity pools are available on the DEX. When trading on, you will interact with all the tokens available on #TON .

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