With each trading cycle, short-term and long-term holders gradually reduce the amount of#BTCthey sell

In each successive trading cycle, a clear trend can be observed: whether it is short-term investors or long-term holders, their willingness to sell Bitcoin (#BTC) is constantly weakening, and the amount of selling is gradually decreasing.

For short-term holders, they may make buying and selling decisions due to market fluctuations, but as the market gradually matures and stabilizes, they may begin to realize the long-term value of Bitcoin, so they reduce frequent buying and selling operations.

For long-term holders, they are often confident in the future of Bitcoin and believe that it has the potential for long-term appreciation. Therefore, they prefer to hold for a long time rather than sell in the hope of obtaining greater returns.

This reduction in selling volume not only reflects the increase in investors' confidence in Bitcoin, but may also indicate that the market is gradually maturing and stabilizing.

In summary, with each trading cycle, short-term and long-term holders are gradually reducing the amount of#BTCthey sell, and this trend may indicate that the future development of the Bitcoin market will be more robust and sustainable.

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