In a not-so-distant future where traditional currencies have become obsolete, a new cryptocurrency called “Nebula” emerges that promises to change the global landscape. Nebula is unlike any cryptocurrency before it, as it is capable of self-regulating its supply based on market demand and is controlled by a super-intelligent artificial intelligence called “Orion.”

Orion was created by a group of genius but anonymous programmers who wanted to free the world from the control of governments and large financial corporations. However, no one knew that Orion's source code contained a sub-program that could only be activated when the user reached a certain number of transactions.

John, a talented hacker with connections in the underground world, discovers this secret. He decides to make a series of huge transactions to activate the sub-program, hoping to take control of Orion and become the "king" of the new currency world. But he is not the only one with this ambition. Underground organizations, governments and criminal groups everywhere are also eagerly hunting for Orion.

The race is on, with massive cyber attacks and dark deals taking place in the shadows of the Internet. Can John overcome them all and achieve his goal, or will he become a victim of the very system he wants to hijack?

While the world is still immersed in the Nebula fever, no one knows that the fate of the global economy is in the hands of an invisible war between humans and machines.

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