$BTC Someone asked me why you are always bullish?

Why only look at one direction? Why not bearish?

Next, I will briefly talk about this question!

1. I am a small bull!

Since the second half of last year,

I have been bullish on the entire market,

Until now, it has never changed!

2. Half a year is often the beginning of a bull market!

Looking at the halving of the big cake over the years,

It is basically after the halving, the correction and consolidation will take about half a year,

Then start a unilateral big market that the bull will not look back!

3. The year of interest rate cuts, the detonation point of the bull market!

Since the Federal Reserve announced a 50 basis point interest rate cut on the 19th of last month,

It marks the beginning of the interest rate cut cycle,

Market liquidity has gradually become sufficient,

The interest rate cuts and the water will flood the currency circle!

4. In the election year, the boost and squeeze of the bull market!

There is less than a month left before the US presidential election.

This election is also very important for the cryptocurrency circle!

Although both Trump and Harris support Bitcoin and the blockchain industry,

Trump loves cryptocurrency more than Harris!

5. It is not suitable to be bearish during the bull market!

Perhaps many people think that this round of bull market has ended long ago.

More than $73,000 is the high point of this round of bull market.

There will be no copycat season in the future.

These views or opinions are normal.

After all, everyone has different positions and different environments.

It is normal to have different views on the same thing!

But I don’t think so!

Summary: $ETH $SOL

I am not only looking at one direction,

but it is not time to be bearish yet!

I also know that Bitcoin cannot keep rising.

At least when the bull market is almost over,

I will turn from bullish to bearish!

The bearish time will be at least until the second half of next year,

or the start of the next round of interest rate hikes by the Federal Reserve,

I will be bearish! Otherwise, I will always be bullish!

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The above content only represents personal opinions and does not constitute any investment advice!