Recently, the popularity of Black Myth: Wukong has not only brought AAA games back into the spotlight, but has also sparked heated discussions among players and developers. The continued success of Web2 games has led to the defection of some Web3 players. In contrast, Web3 games have a short life cycle and a difficult business model, especially in the current crypto market environment, and their significance is questioned.


In fact, blockchain games have not achieved a breakthrough since their explosive development in the last round of market cycle. In terms of game content and game experience, they are far behind the Web2 game field and are still in the stage of eating raw meat and drinking blood. The root cause of this dilemma lies in the lack of underlying infrastructure.


Since last year, a number of game infrastructure solutions have been launched on the market, the most representative of which are MUD, Dojo, etc. However, the logical partitioning of MUD relies on the "World" framework. This stateless logic management increases the flexibility of development, but it may also be limited by the performance and scalability of EVM. The advantage of Dojo is that it is based on ZKP, but its limitation is that it relies on the language of Cairo, and the underlying stack lacks certain flexibility.


In this round of market cycle, as the MetaArena engine is launched to the market, its series of solutions based on cryptography, ZKP, modularization, Layer3, etc. have brought more complete solutions to the blockchain game track and become the key to promoting the blockchain game market towards a new paradigm.


At present, the first game (Final Glory) based on the MetaArena stack has also attracted much attention from the market. It has exceeded 100,000 users in less than two months since its launch, and the number of users is still growing rapidly at this stage, with players all over the world. (Final Glory) has become a phenomenal game in the blockchain game track, and the launch of this game has also opened a new chapter in this track.




Why is the game (Final Glory) successful?


Final Glory is a AAA MMORPG game running on the MetaArena Realm game engine. The game itself continues the concept of MetaArena's independent world and features top-notch game graphics and immersive game experience. The game itself has a high degree of freedom. Players can choose different professions (heavy swordsman, sword fighter, priest, archer) according to their own gaming habits, engage in adventure battles, obtain resources, and thus achieve growth. Different branches of different professions have different abilities, which determines the user's role positioning in the game society.


Players can also form powerful guilds, participate in guild tasks and competitions, and occupy core resource output. The game does not have task prompts, and players can explore freely. In the future, the game is expected to allow players to further create assets and build a bottom-up world system. At the same time, with the guild as a link, players can further capture social scenes, and better establish game collaboration through social interaction, creating a more cohesive game community.


1. Well-made, huge development costs


Compared to most of the crudely made Web3 games, (Final Glory) is a conscientious boutique. On the one hand, it deploys extremely complex game logic on the chain through the MetaArena game engine, and the game development team migrates some game logic from previously developed Web2 AAA games. On the other hand, (Final Glory) spent a huge amount of money on game rendering and adopted top solutions, such as the industry-leading HDR lighting pipeline, self-developed PBR shaders, the use of HyperShader, etc. (Final Glory) is one of the most expensive games to develop in Web3 games, and the high cost brings excellent game effects.




2. Supported by high-quality underlying engines, the experience is comparable to Web2 AAA games


In addition to the development phase, the (Final Glory) game is built on the bottom layer of MetaArena. When the game is running, the action logs generated by some continuous game behaviors of players are aggregated within a certain period, and the computing network under the chain generates zero-knowledge proofs (each computing node has the ability to generate zero-knowledge proofs and communicate, which can provide strong computing support for the game. The network is driven by the token economy). These proofs are finally verified on the chain (in the Realm engine). This method can greatly improve the fluency of the game and greatly enhance the experience of PvE games.


In some PvP game scenarios, players can enter the game room through online matching. The room is built in a stateless room and driven by nodes. In this room, the node itself does not save the game data. It is only responsible for packaging and sorting the player's operations in a ZKP manner, uploading them to the on-chain Realm engine for verification, and executing the results. Therefore, from the perspective of the node itself, it does not need to broadcast the global state on the source chain, only local state changes are required. PvP gameplay can achieve extremely low latency and 0 Gas experience without relying on centralized servers.


Therefore, MetaArena provides strong support for the operation of the (Final Glory) game, and players can get an experience comparable to Web2 AAA games from the game while maintaining Web3 characteristics.


3. Fascinating game content



(Final Glory) The game itself has a very rich gameplay, including:


l Explore the world/kill monsters/collect

l Moon Gate Alien Gameplay, Single-player Moon Gate - Exploration / Multiplayer Moon Gate - Fierce Fighting

l High difficulty team battle copy-Blood Feast Torture

In every existing gameplay, players can get the ultimate gaming experience from the battle and continue to generate gaming enthusiasm with the promotion of AAA picture quality. With the support of the MetaArena engine, players can engage in real-time PvP battles with players around the world, which is groundbreaking in the GameFi field.

In the future, we will launch game modes such as fighting against the White Walkers/Dragon Girl Invasion/Mega Man Arena/Iron Islands Melee/Guild Gameplay/Trading House, etc. This also means that players with different game preferences can be satisfied in the game.

4. The blockchain game market is in urgent need of high-quality games, (Final Glory) occupies the minds of users

Before (Final Glory), there were very few Web3 games that could provide players with such a high-quality experience. In addition, the overall situation of the crypto market was poor and the track lacked innovation. The track was always stagnant and no game could keep users sticky. During the window period, (Final Glory), as one of the few excellent AAA masterpieces in the current Web3 market, is rapidly occupying the minds of users and is becoming an emerging unicorn and traffic entrance in the market.

(Final Glory) game valuation

In the early days, it was impossible to deploy AAA games with complex logic on the chain or run them entirely on the Web3 stack. Therefore, it was difficult to provide support for them in terms of technology, investment, timeline, and existing industry resources (including infrastructure, etc.).

(Final Glory) was the first to achieve a technological breakthrough and became one of the few MMPRPG AAA games in the GameFi track that is truly oriented towards Web3. At the same time, it further opened up the market based on a complete game ecosystem and high-quality gaming experience, and is becoming the leading game in the GameFi track.

At present, the user base of (Final Glory) is still growing, and the data such as user online time and activity are in a state of growth, reflecting the market's recognition of (Final Glory). Backed by a large number of active users, it not only represents strong consumption power and value growth, but also can capture huge attention value for the game ecosystem and continue to explore new business models in more fields. At the same time, this also represents the potential revenue expectations of (Final Glory), and is expected to empower players, ecosystems, etc. in depth based on strong profitability.

In a new market cycle, the imagination and imagination space of new narratives will always be higher than that of old narratives, which may mean that the valuation of (Final Glory) is expected to surpass the old leading GameFi including Axie, Raca and others in the previous market cycle.

Newly issued assets, new wealth codes

Currently, with the full launch of the (Final Glory) game ecosystem, it has also further launched the game asset Medal of Glory - Shenlong. It is reported that this asset is an extremely rare collection mount in the (Final Glory) game, symbolizing supreme battle glory and power. As an important part of the Final Glory ecosystem, the "Medal of Glory - Shenlong" brings extraordinary benefits and experience to its holders. Players who own this medal will receive significant combat value bonuses, further improving their ability in the game. strength and competitive advantage. At the same time, in addition to giving 900 $TIMI (TGE 10%, the remaining part will be released linearly within 12 months) reward, holding the Medal of Glory-Dragon Mount also means gains in income, including priority in the issuance of new assets, Prioritize unlocking new gameplay, game revenue bonuses, etc.

In addition to the rights and interests in the (Final Glory) game, holders of the "Medal of Glory-Dragon" can also capture rights and interests from the MetaArena ecosystem. Not only can they continue to receive governance token rewards through the computing power contribution of the MetaArena distributed computing network, but also as the MetaArena ecosystem series of games are launched one after another, they can obtain potential airdrop opportunities provided by these games.

In addition, becoming a staker of the MetaArena network not only allows you to obtain a higher stake income weight, but also allows you to serve as a service node, providing support to developers and game operations in a customized manner, and obtaining long-term benefits and income from it.

Whether in the game (Final Glory) which has high valuation and revenue expectations, or in the MetaArena network, users who use the "Shenlong" mount will enjoy top resources. The gains brought by the "Shenlong" mount are continuous, so holders will continue to benefit from the growth of game value and make huge profits. At the same time, this asset will become one of the few opportunities to capture the dividends of the MetaArena system development.