This needle is very comfortable. From the 4th, it is suggested that the negative impact of non-agricultural data is not big. I believe that friends who follow the idea of ​​​​this round of needles have already made a lot of money. This Dan also ended perfectly, and finally settled at 3200 points, 51000 oil.

People always can't earn more than they know💰

This night was not in vain🥱Today, Asia and Europe are fine

The second rise is expected to depend on the situation of the European market

Since Danzi has stopped profit, there is no need to guard it

See you in the evening🚗🚗🚗#非农人数大幅升温 #HBO纪录片或揭示中本聪身份 #美SEC对Ripple案裁决提出上诉 #Bitwise申请XRPETF #灰度拟推出AAVE信托基金 $BTC $ETH $BNB