10.7 Monday, early trading of Bitcoin and Ethereum, operation ideas!

When you encounter setbacks, you must understand that the beginning of a rise is often extended from a certain point at a low point, because there is often no way out before there is a way out.

From the K-line of the big cake at 1 o'clock, the trend of the big cake price after running along the upper rail of the Bollinger band to the upper rail of the Bollinger band failed to continue, and began to run downward! Now the price of the currency is below the upper rail of the Bollinger band, and the trend is downward! The two lines of MACD encountered resistance in the process of running upward and began to run downward. The momentum of the double head is also gradually weakening, and it begins to turn to a short trend! The three lines of KDJ run downward and bottom out and start to rebound! The overall morning is still mainly short!

10.7 Monday Operation strategy:

Big cake, short between 62800 and 63200, look to 61300, and defend at 64000.

Auntie, short between 2440 and 2480, look to 2300, defend at 2550

Strategies have timeliness, more guidance is more exciting, you can't grasp the direction, you can't be sure. $BTC $ETH $BNB #非农人数大幅升温 #HBO纪录片或揭示中本聪身份 #灰度拟推出AAVE信托基金 #币安上线CATI #美联储11月降息预期升温