Monday, BTC Ethereum early morning thinking analysis and operation!

Yesterday, Bitcoin Ethereum did not fluctuate much, and the upper and lower spaces were relatively shrinking. The daily closing line did not fall below 60,000. In the technical structure, there are certain shrinking patterns. As of now, it is still oscillating in a small range.

In terms of short-term trends, although the price of the currency has rebounded after a round of declines, the rebound mid-track 63,000 area has not continued to break upward, and the adjustment rhythm is still running, and the pattern is biased towards stepping back. Therefore, next, it is still arranged according to the short-term pattern, and a slight rebound can be arranged.

BTC short-term operation in the early morning: step back to the 63,300-62,900 area, and the target is 62,000-61,500.

Ethereum short-term operation: just synchronize the pace of the big cake! #非农人数大幅升温 #币安上线CATI #灰度拟推出AAVE信托基金