The collapse of the U.S. stock market will only lead to the Federal Reserve's large-scale interest rate cuts and money release, which will have a positive effect on the market in the later stage. Generally, after a global crisis, there is usually a rescue plan, such as the new crown, the banking crisis, and the CZ rescue from FTX. Trump's campaign and platform make the expectations of this bull market in the crypto circle more promising. Those who have missed the opportunity and been let down before should not miss it again. You need to unload leverage, hold spot goods, keep a stable mentality, bet on the odds, and seize the opportunity. In today's serious industry monopoly, Crypro may be the best circle for ordinary people to turn over in the past three years. Risks are accompanied by huge opportunities. Do things with high certainty in a certain cycle. Looking back a year later, this may be the Junggar Basin. I wish you all a successful start and see you at the peak. #美联储货币纪要