The United States regrets cutting interest rates by 50 basis points.

​The United States has taken another completely wrong step. Just after the United States announced a 50 basis point interest rate cut at the end of September, China launched an unprecedented quantitative easing monetary policy and began to flood the market with money. The stock market suddenly soared by dozens of points, attracting the attention of the world.

​Capital from all over the world can't wait to rush to China to buy shares. In addition, with the war between Iran and Israel, the Middle East is facing another major war. China is the safest country in the world, so all assets related to China have skyrocketed.

​The United States will be extremely anxious as all the money in the world will flow to China. Not to mention the decline of the United States, China will definitely accelerate its rise.

​So now the United States must be regretting cutting interest rates. Faced with the current situation, the United States quickly came out and said that the situation in the United States has improved and there is no need to cut interest rates by 50 basis points in November. The implication is that the United States is still worth investing in and you should not all go to China to invest.

This operation is really good. The whole world knows what you are thinking. Whether you want to protect yourself or cooperate with Wall Street capital to buy low-priced Chinese assets, everyone knows clearly that no one will believe the data released by the United States now. They are all fake.

​The interest rate cut is like giving the economy a glass of sweet sugar water. It is supposed to stimulate economic vitality and make everyone willing to spend money to consume and invest. But why does the United States feel like it has dug a hole for itself? Let's look at the background first. At the end of September this year, the United States announced a 50 basis point interest rate cut, originally wanting to add fuel to the economy, but here, China, it is a direct big move!

As soon as our central bank took action, it was an unprecedented quantitative easing monetary policy, just like releasing money. The stock market was like chicken blood, soaring up, and dozens of points were just a blink of an eye. Now, capital from all over the world is green, and they are all eyeing this big cake of China! In the Middle East, the small friction between Iran and Israel has made global funds more uneasy, and they are all looking for a safe haven.

Hey, now China has become the "hot commodity". Any assets that have anything to do with China have been soaring, which is amazing. The US saw that this trend was not right. Seeing that all the money in the world was being sucked away by China, how could it not be anxious? It quickly came out to clarify that the US economic situation has improved and there is no need to cut interest rates so much in November. The implication is: Ladies and gentlemen, it is still worth investing here, don't all rush to China!

To be honest, this operation is a bit like trying to cover up one's own faults. People all over the world are not fools, so who doesn't know the truth? The data from the United States now looks like a photo with a filter, and its authenticity is questionable. As for the Chinese stock market, it is full of confidence, and ordinary people's deposits are also beginning to move, especially those new stock investors born in the 1990s and 2000s, who are like newborn calves who are not afraid of tigers and dare to use any tricks!

The stock market is like the weather, it changes at any time, but the current craze is backed by real money. We have to say that China's stock market has great potential in the future, but then again, the stock market has risks and investment needs to be cautious. Everyone knows this, but when it comes to that juncture, who can resist the red candlestick chart?

The US is feeling hot right now, like they've eaten chili peppers. They want to find a place to cool down, but how can they find such an easy place on the chessboard of the global economy? They want to hold back for a while to see if they can recover, but we all know that the stock market is like a flood. Once the floodgates are opened, it's hard to close them!

At that time, China will give the United States some "material". Hey, that scene is exciting just to think about! Let's move our stools and wait for the show! This international economic drama is much more exciting than the TV dramas we usually watch, isn't it?