The total staking storage fees increased by approximately 803cfx this week.

The number of CRC-721 NFTs and CRC-1155 NFTs on Conflux Core has been growing steadily, with the increase being higher than last week.

The growth rate of ERC-721 NFT and ERC-1155 NFT on Conflux eSpace has not changed much this week.

The stake in the PoS mining pool increased by approximately 4.12 million this week.

Goledo, the lending platform on Conflux eSpace, has not yet resumed operations.

The xCFX minting volume of Nucleon, the liquidity staking platform on Conflux eSpace, has dropped slightly.

The liquidity data of Swappi, a decentralized exchange on Conflux eSpace, has not changed much, while the trading volume data has rebounded sharply.

Conflux eSpace’s new comprehensive Defi platform - XUNION is expected to be launched next week.


#美联储11月降息预期升温 #非农人数大幅升温 #国产公链