Core strategies for bull market: Master these 22 points to make you feel at ease!

The following are strategies for bull market, which will help you find a winning strategy in a volatile market.

Hot coins fall fast

Once the hot coins in the bull market are adjusted, they often fall quickly and fiercely.

Real potential coins are not promoted in large quantities

Hundred-fold potential coins in the market are generally not widely promoted, and fewer people pay attention to them in the early stage.

Be cautious when selecting coins

Indicators such as market value, number of exchanges, and coin holding addresses are not always reliable.

The market presents a flat curve

The market trend usually presents a flat curve change.

Plundering watchers

There is always a plundering of watchers in the market.

Similar pull-up techniques for altcoins

During a long rebound period, altcoins often show similar pull-up patterns.

The market follows the same pattern

Market trends often show similarities.

New coins that soar and plummet should not be touched

If the newly launched currency first soars and then plummets, do not easily intervene.

Oppose chasing ups and downs

The strategy of chasing ups and downs always has risks in the market.

Market rules of buying low and selling high

You cannot change the market rule of "it will fall as soon as you buy, and it will rise as soon as you sell".

Don't touch coins with too large a drop

If the currency drops by more than 0.5% to 10%, you should operate with caution.

Profit callback warning

If the increase reaches 5% to 20% after buying, and then callbacks, you need to be alert to the risk of harvesting.

Coins that are opposite to Bitcoin's trend have no potential

Coins that fluctuate in the opposite direction of Bitcoin usually have no potential.

Choose hot rebounds

Choose coins with large increases and hot spots for rebound operations.

Going against the trend can break the situation

When you are contrary to the views of most people, you can often get unexpected gains.

Bitcoin fluctuations

Coins that follow the sharp fluctuations of Bitcoin are potential targets in the bull market.

A market where all is fair

There is no shortage of strategies and tricks in the market.

Strong dealers are not scary

Strong dealer stocks do not necessarily need to be avoided.

Potential coins sometimes perform mediocre

Potential coins may be mediocre in the early stage of the bull market, but they will explode in the later stage.

Potential coins that pull back and go sideways

In a bull market, if a currency skyrocketed and then pulled back and went sideways for a few months, it is usually a potential stock.

Market predictions should be cautious

If someone predicts that a certain currency will skyrocket, it usually means that this is a signal to cut leeks.

Choose new coins after skyrocketing

If a coin skyrocketed and then pulled back, and another coin started to skyrocket, you should buy it decisively.

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