In the stock market crash of 2015, I lost nearly 2 million yuan as a new employee, and my wife and children left me. It was not until the year before last that I paid off the last debt. As the saying goes, the stock market has become turbulent again in the past few days, but I have lost my courage and confidence.

The stock market soared before the National Day, and a lot of people around me became excited again. Even several young people born in the 2000s in my unit were watching the stock market on their mobile phones. I seemed to see myself 10 years ago, and I couldn't help but feel sad.

In 2013, I graduated from university and took the civil service exam. Luckily, I passed the exam and became a township civil servant in a county in Zhejiang. In the same year, I was introduced to a primary school teacher in the county and got married. In 2014, we had a daughter. Everything went so smoothly. The accident happened in the second half of 2014. At that time, A shares were also rising wildly. The market was close to 5,000 points. Many people around me talked about the stock market after dinner. Even the aunties in the vegetable market were talking about the stock market. There were legends of wealth everywhere.

I couldn't resist the temptation and secretly tried to open an account on Tonghuashun. I didn't expect to be accepted in one try. I used the salary I saved in the past two years and the gift money from my parents for my wedding, totaling about 160,000 yuan, and rushed into the stock market. I remember that year, after the National Day, my colleague Lao Wang enthusiastically recommended CRRC to me. The stock price was very cheap at the time. I bought about 60,000 yuan. It was my first time to buy. I didn't dare to invest all in it. Unexpectedly, the stock was suspended after two weeks. The announcement said that CRRC and CSR would merge and reorganize.

Lao Wang said excitedly that he had made a fortune. Sure enough, after a period of time, CRRC continued to rise by the daily limit. At that time, I regretted not buying all of them. After that wave of daily limit, my 60,000 yuan directly turned into more than 240,000 yuan, which increased by 4 times. I was so proud that I felt like a stock god. Later, I bought several more stocks one after another, and basically all of them rose.

During the Spring Festival of 2014, I spent my entire life in a beautiful dream of financial freedom. I visited relatives and friends and felt very confident. Unexpectedly, that turned out to be the only happy Spring Festival I had in the next 10 years.

By April 2015, my bank account had accumulated more than 400,000 yuan. My parents urged us to buy a house as soon as possible. The town where I worked was just outside the provincial capital. Although the house price had not risen sharply at that time, it was still close to 20,000 yuan per square meter. My wife wanted to buy a large house.

The nightmare started from that moment. A terrible idea suddenly occurred to me: if I bet all my money in the stock market, I could buy a house in full without having to take out a mortgage. The smooth sailing over the past year has made me completely forget my awe of the market.

I immediately put all my 400,000 yuan, plus 300,000 yuan from my parents and in-laws, a total of 1 million yuan, into the stock market. Around June, the stock market suddenly changed direction, and my stocks all fell, and then they hit the limit down, and the market value of my stocks was almost cut in half. I was panicking at the time, and my parents were pressing me, asking me how the house I was looking for was going. I didn't dare to answer, and I accompanied my wife to look at houses on weekends, and slept with my daughter as usual. In fact, I was very anxious inside, and I prayed every day that my stocks would pull back.

In late June, the stock market stopped falling for a few days, and I thought it had stabilized. Unwilling to admit defeat, I did another foolish thing. I swiped several credit cards and overdrew more than 200,000 yuan, borrowed more than 200,000 yuan from various online loans, and borrowed another 500,000 yuan from relatives and friends on the pretext of buying a house. Anyway, I was like a madman at the time, and I poured all the borrowed money into the stock market, hoping to get my money back quickly.

Finally, the stock market collapsed, and then it triggered a circuit breaker. My stock account was cut in half and cut in half again. Later, the debt collection calls went to my parents' house and my mother-in-law's house. I was completely ruined. I could only clear my positions and pay off part of my credit card, but I couldn't repay the money I borrowed online and from relatives and friends.

My wife divorced me a month later, and my daughter was awarded to her. I took on nearly a million yuan in debt alone... Fortunately, my stable job was still there, and I lived frugally for eight years until I paid off the last debt two years ago. During this period, I was sued by the bank and became a deadbeat. My future was ruined. No one around me looked at me straight in the eye, and my leaders and colleagues didn't trust me. History always repeats itself, and everything seems to have come back to the starting point. Although I am unwilling, I dare not step into it again.

I recently bought some Muskmin milk dogs, Marvin (7055). I hope to go home at the end of the year with a strong back.

#非农人数大幅升温 #HBO纪录片或揭示中本聪身份 #灰度拟推出AAVE信托基金 #MARVIN