The launch of intercontinental missiles directly tells the United States that we are ready to meet any challenge and tells the world to invest, we are strong and safe.

The nuclear power of Bitcoin has been indirectly demonstrated to the world through past history, with its increase of tens of thousands of times over more than 10 years. This fourth cycle also clearly tells investors around the world that it has been 170 days since the halving. This wave of sky-high wealth and the bull market of the cycle are coming, so global funds are coming soon.

The competition among major powers is a contest between comprehensive national strength. At its core, it is a contest between weapons and between funds. Usually, the financial war comes first, and the weapons war comes later.

First of all, we have to understand that Bitcoin is now being or has been dominated by Wall Street. The United States has actually taken control. If Powell sneezes, the global stock market will shake in the past, but now even the borderless investment product Bitcoin will shake and fluctuate up and down.

Bitcoin is already deeply priced in U.S. dollars and is another pool of funds for the issuance of additional U.S. dollars following the U.S. stock market. The higher Bitcoin rises, the more global funds will be locked in the United States, the higher the market value of Bitcoin will be, the wider the impact will be, and the greater the benefits to the United States will be.

In fact, Tether, the largest stablecoin issuer in the cryptocurrency circle, holds the most U.S. Treasury bonds. That is to say, almost everyone in our cryptocurrency circle (those who hold stablecoins) indirectly holds U.S. Treasury bonds.

The total amount of Bitcoin is 21 million, a borderless investment product. The long-term rising property of Bitcoin and the Dongfeng-31AG intercontinental missile are regarded as the "open conspiracy" of the two major powers, China and the United States.

The Dongfeng intercontinental missile tells the world to calm down. You cannot refuse to accept such express delivery.

Bitcoin tells the world that it has increased tens of thousands of times in the past decade. It is a borderless investment product with no upper limit that you cannot refuse.

To elaborate, first of all, one is a financial war and the other is an arms war, which are both publicly known, just like the contest between China and the United States.

The issuance volume of Bitcoin, the halving cycle, the time of missile launch, and the landing area are all predictable strategies or actions. Their intentions and potential impacts are also transparent to a certain extent, and they can all be anticipated to a certain extent.

The launch of an intercontinental missile may be based on expectations of the international political situation, while the long-term rise of Bitcoin is based on expectations of its market trends and supply and demand relationships.

The launch of intercontinental missiles is usually intended to demonstrate military capabilities and national strategic intentions, while the long-term rise of Bitcoin is based on its strategic value as an asset, such as a safe-haven asset or a hedge against inflation, and even more as a pool of funds for the US dollar.

The launch of intercontinental missiles can serve as a military deterrent, while the long-term rise of Bitcoin may serve as an economic deterrent in financial warfare, influencing the economic decisions of other countries and investors. It is also likely to become another tool for the United States to successfully reap the world.

Both represent long-term trends, with the development of ICBM technology and the maturation of Bitcoin as an asset both unfolding over time.

The technological advancement of intercontinental missiles and the development of blockchain technology behind Bitcoin are both important factors that have pushed them to become "open conspiracies."

You know clearly that this is a trick of the other party, but you can do nothing about it. This is the power of open tricks.

Using intercontinental missiles as a strong backing to escort the A-share market to its launch and allow funds to flow back to China is the fastest option we have.

After all, A-shares are currently at a low level compared to the global financial market, but this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that the funds coming in are safe and will not be disturbed by unsafe and turbulent factors from the outside world.

We know that wars are essentially fought with money and consume funds. The United States has two trump cards for the financing of funds, one is the US stock market, and the other is the crypto market represented by Bitcoin. China has two cards, one is Hong Kong stocks, and the other is A shares. What we are facing now is that a large number of companies are laying off employees and cutting salaries. Everyone has no money to spend, but the mortgages that should be paid and the expenses that should be paid are not reduced, so consumption cannot be boosted.

Even if you have some spare money and want to invest, there is nowhere to go, because the A-share market has been stuck at around 3,000 points for more than 10 years, and real estate is not doing well either.

The three pillars of GDP are consumption, investment and foreign trade. We rely on foreign trade to earn some foreign exchange. It is not acceptable for only one of them to move forward alone. What should we do?

The fastest way is to distribute money, give money to everyone, so that consumption will increase, and when consumption increases, the economy will increase.

But how to distribute money? There must be a suitable tool. In the past, shopping vouchers were issued, but this method was not very effective. In the current depressed economic environment, this method is no longer feasible and is too slow, so we just use unlimited QE to the stock market to boost the stock market.

Most of those who trade stocks are middle class. After making money, the middle class usually has a strong desire to consume. This way, the middle class has money to buy new mobile phones, and mobile phone manufacturers and companies in related industrial chains will survive.

When you change or buy a new car, the companies in the car and related industrial chains will be alive. When you have money to eat out, the catering-related industrial chain including vegetable farmers will benefit, and so on.

When business is good, there will be more jobs and more wages.

In this way, by directly pulling up A shares, money can be distributed to everyone indirectly, making the entire economic cycle active.

In conclusion:

No matter how crazy the price rises, many people say that they don’t care about A-shares at all. When information is flying all over the place, I don’t believe that your mentality has not changed. The biggest taboo in investment is not being able to keep calm. When your mentality fluctuates and changes, it means that the configuration balance has been broken and we should adjust.

Let's take a look at these major events and their relationship with us and our strategies. We ordinary people cannot own missiles, but we can participate in A-shares. We cannot influence the United States, but we can embrace Bitcoin. I often hear you say that adults don't make choices, they want both.

We put large long-term funds in Bitcoin and small short-term funds in some A-share indexes. This is a relatively good diversified asset allocation strategy at present. We are bullish on China and the United States.


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