Is the dollar a strong currency?

In this analysis you will be able to clearly and precisely observe the percentage of appreciation or devaluation of the dollar.

To start with the most basic... what does Appreciation and Devaluation refer to?

Appreciation is when an asset has a greater value over time compared to other products or services and depreciation would be the opposite case, that is, an asset has a lower value than the products and services.

If we do a small analysis from 1956 to the present we can see that as a result the dollar has been devalued 956% since then if we perform a calculation where

$100 in 1956 would be the equivalent of $1076 in 2023, which means that it has a negative trend and that over time we will always need more dollars to satisfy the same needs, which is why it is a losing race if you save in dollars.

How much is 100$ from 1956 equivalent in different time periods?

1960) $108.80

1970) $142.83

1980) $303.16

1990) $480.66

2000) $633.48

2010) 802.17$

2020) $952.09