How to identify the main force's wash and delivery

In the currency circle, if you want to succeed in the market, it is crucial to understand the main force's wash and delivery points.

Here are some key tips:

1. Pay attention to the trading volume: the trading volume usually shrinks during the wash, and it will increase during the delivery.

2. Pay attention to the price position of the currency: the main force usually washes when the price rises by about 30%, and when the increase exceeds 60%, you need to be alert to the possibility of delivery.

3. Analyze the time-sharing chart: the time-sharing chart during the wash often jumps up and down, while the time-sharing chart during the delivery is relatively stable

The current cottage market trends vary, and the time stages of entering the bottom of their own cycle are also different. Which cottage to bottom out and whether the cottage has entered its own bottom need to be based on personal choice and judgment.

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