cute $melo meme

The melo community has grown at an unprecedented pace, proving that when people come together around a shared vision, incredible things can happen. In just five days, we’ve seen milestones that demonstrate the strength, engagement, and dedication of this community. Let’s recap some of the highlights that make melo truly special.

Twitter Spaces: A Hub of Engagement

Recently, we hosted a Twitter Spaces session with over 50 concurrent listeners and more than 10 people took the mic to speak. This level of engagement is incredible for a community that’s only five days old! It shows that melo isn’t just about holding a token; it’s about active participation. People are stepping up, sharing ideas, and making their voices heard. The community is vibrant, passionate, and growing fast.

Meme Channel: Fuel for X Raids

To keep the momentum going, we’ve launched a meme channel where community members can drop their creations. These memes have become a key part of our X raids, helping us spread the word about melo in a fun and engaging way. Memes are more than playful, they’re tools for spreading the narrative of melo far and wide on X.

BillyM2k’s Ongoing Support

Billy Markus, the co-founder of Dogecoin, continues to engage with the melo community. He recently liked two of our tweets and even replied to a community member who mentioned his cat Boba. But that’s not all — Billy also tweeted a picture of melo, keeping the token front and center for his followers. His ongoing support adds credibility and excitement to the melo movement, helping us reach even more people.

$melo Goes Live on BitMart

In another huge achievement, $melo officially went live on BitMart, and within the first two hours, we saw over $200,000 in trading volume. This is an amazing start, and it’s a direct result of the community’s collective efforts to build hype, engage traders, and spread the word.

Community-Funded Boosts and Amazing Art

One of the most impressive aspects of melo is how community members have stepped up to support the project. Community members covered the cost of DEXScreener boosts, helping to ensure $melo gets the visibility it deserves. But that’s not all — our community artists have been creating incredible artwork, elevating the visual appeal of our branding and making melo stand out even more.

$melo Meme Competition: Get Involved!

Right now, we’ve got a $melo meme competition live, and it’s your chance to show off your creativity! There’s $50 up for grabs for 3 winners, so get involved and create your best melo memes. The competition is still live, so there’s plenty of time to join in the fun and help push melo even further.

The Power of the Community

What we’ve accomplished in just five days is nothing short of remarkable, and it’s all because of the community. From the Twitter Spaces to the meme channel, the BitMart listing to the art contributions, every success is a direct result of the collective effort of our holders. BillyM2k’s support is incredible, but it’s the everyday members who are stepping up to create art, fund marketing, and spread the word that make melo what it is.

This is our token, built by the people, for the people, and the possibilities are endless. Let’s keep growing, keep engaging, and keep showing the world the power of a community united around $melo.

melo: Powered by the community, growing stronger every day.
