
Is a contract equivalent to gambling?

Many people often treat contracts as gambling, and they open leverages of 10 times, 20 times, or even 50 times or 100 times. The money may be lost overnight after just depositing it.

People who open high leverage are either gamblers who really love to take small risks and like to go all-in, or they are novices who have only a superficial understanding of contracts and often end up playing after just a few times.

In fact, when playing contracts, position management is particularly important. It can help you make money and avoid risks.

So how to manage positions scientifically?

The key is to use money flexibly. For example, if you want to open a position of 10,000U, you can try to use 1000U to open a 10x leverage, or 500U to open a 20x leverage.

Remember to set a stop loss point between 1% and 3%, and use 10% of the funds to try to get 100% of the profit.

In this way, even if you lose money, you won't lose much. But if you use 10,000U to open a high leverage, you may lose your money if you encounter some fluctuations, and you won't even have the opportunity to try and make mistakes, and your mentality will easily collapse.

Using high leverage to speculate, borrowing more money than the principal, it is common to blow up the position, but it is not easy to make money.

If you want to play contracts, you must first understand the basic concepts, such as leverage multiples and funding rates. If you don't understand anything and blame the tool for losing money, that won't work. Therefore, you have to plan your positions well and have a clear mind. #非农人数大幅升温 #HBO纪录片或揭示中本聪身份

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