The mad bull in the currency circle is coming in 2025: the last golden opportunity for retail investors? An in-depth analysis of the four major pushers

People often talk about the possibility of a crazy bull market in the cryptocurrency industry in 2025, and regard it as the ultimate opportunity for retail investors. There are four core logics behind it:

1. The U.S. economic linkage effect is significant

The future market conditions are closely linked to the U.S. economy, and they will dance together with bulls and bears.

2. Expectations for water release after the election heat up

After the U.S. election in 2024, the water release policy may be restarted, injecting strong impetus into the market, and the replacement of the president will add more variables.

3. Domestic Policy Risk Mitigation

The haze of policies has dissipated, and the currency circle has ushered in a new dawn. After the complete withdrawal of mining, the influence has weakened, and the market has become more stable.

4. The rise of new forces

With the influx of new groups of highly educated, young and well-off families, they may become new stars in the currency circle, leading the tide of funds and talents.

Macroeconomic benefits are emerging frequently, and the currency circle is ready for growth. At the micro level, the bull market will give birth to more economically free people. The popularization trend of Bitcoin is obvious, but it also indicates that the window of opportunity is gradually closing. History is always surprisingly similar.

I'm Allen, a lively and profound blogger!

It is better to teach a man to fish than to teach him to fish. The journey of Biquan is not only the accumulation of wealth, but also a leap in wisdom and experience.

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