$SUI Chain Mining $FOMO Automatic Script Supplement: Solve the problem of automatic disconnection of idle mining

Copy the following code text directly to the control port of the browser and then copy and paste directly

// Get all buttons with the specified class name

const buttons = document.querySelectorAll('.items-center.justify-center.bg-green-600.text-xl.font-bold');

// Define a function to simulate clicks

function simulateClick(element) {

// Create a new MouseEvent object

const event = new MouseEvent('click', {

view: window,

bubbles: true,

cancelable: true


// Trigger click event



// Set an interval timer to loop clicks

setInterval(() => {

buttons.forEach(button => {



}, 1000); // Click once every 1000 milliseconds (1 second)

After copying the above code, open F12 and paste it in the image location. For the first time you paste the code, you need to enter the Chinese or English in the quotation marks " ", and press Enter after pasting.

Note: The code comes from Twitter, thanks to the masters for sharing