The concept of Web3 gaming revolves around owning digital assets on the internet, yet this promise remains unfulfilled. Despite the industry's focus on ownership, few are actively working to make it a reality. The core idea of owning gaming assets has been present since the inception of the industry, but true ownership in Web3 gaming is lacking. While other aspects of Web3 have made progress, such as Bitcoin and stablecoins, Web3 gaming lags behind due to the absence of interoperability. Owning non-fungible tokens (NFTs) in games is akin to owning something inaccessible. The key to transforming the industry lies in achieving true ownership and interoperability. However, challenges in technology and economics hinder this progress. Overcoming these obstacles requires a shift in perspective and a focus on creating universal standards for seamless asset movement across platforms. By embracing openness and collaboration, the gaming ecosystem can evolve to offer players unprecedented value and experiences. Read more AI-generated news on: