MEME is launched too quickly, and this market is more about new things than old things. When the sector has a rising leader, $NEIRO, the market will pay attention to this sector, but often the sector leader rises too fast, and many people who have not boarded the train dare not chase high, and their funds will flow into other targets such as the second and third dragons in the sector, which is a capital overflow.

🌴I think there is no leader in the MEME sector, but there are strong and weak dealers. Because most MEMEs are fully circulated, the main force usually needs more time cost to collect chips to reduce the cost of funds. However, this round of TG's MEME seems to be opportunistic, because the project party has many means to collect chips in the early stage to achieve high control.

🌴Then there are two types of high control. One is to pull up in the early stage. This belongs to the main force with a pattern. At least there is still a chance to make money in the market, such as $NEIRO; the other is to ship directly after the launch, which is more disgusting. Of course, the purpose of both is to ship.

🌴Then the question is, which is better, VC coin or MEME? I think it depends on the situation. The opportunity for VC coins to be shipped in large quantities will be in the later stage, and highly controlled MEME can be shipped in the early stage. The fully circulated MEME has a longer period of fund-raising. In the past, MEME was usually the last sector to rise in the bull market, but the market is changing, and investors are unwilling to take over VC coins. In fact, VC coins are not terrible, just try not to buy the target that the project party has almost sold out the chips in his hands. It is better to start a new project than to spend a huge amount of money to pull the market.