Daily market analysis (10.04)


1. US and Japanese stocks are currently falling sideways and consolidating at high levels. The Nasdaq index is expected to open high and close low in the evening.

2. The employment data before the election will not be too bad, which is reflected in the market. The big cake may take a needle down and then go up to around 62,500. Then around 10 o'clock in the evening, it will follow the US stock market to fall back to around 59,400.

3. A shares will see a correction after the National Day holiday, but the A-share market will not be satisfied with the increase, and it will also rush up to challenge the 3,500 line this year.

4. Be wary of the collapse of the US economy in December. Before that, global risk assets will start to catch up.

5. Since it touched the downward trend line in the morning, it was led by the Nikkei to attack instead of falling. So before the panic market comes out, we will see a rebound to around 62,500.

Those who are short can enter the market with short orders near 62500, and ether will be synchronized. This short order will not be SOL.

6. After the short order is closed, start to arrange long-term long orders, at least until mid-November.


1. $BTC is open at 62555, and the stop loss is 63333. Half of the profit is closed at 59444 to protect the principal, and the rest is run to 58001.

2. $ETH is open at 2444, and the stop loss is 2477. Half of the profit is closed at 2300 to protect the principal, and the rest is run to 2250.

3. $SOL does not participate in this round of 1H level short short.

4. At 58001 of Bitcoin, 2250 of ether, and 120.5 of SOL, try to open a long-term long order for the first time. Set the stop loss by yourself. It does not need to be too thick. If it is swept away, it will be swept away.