Why (Unemployment Simulator 2018) became so popular

In the currency circle, the ups and downs of the market make investors nervous. Many currency speculators even choose to quit their jobs in order to seize the opportunity to get rich overnight. They stare at the screen all the time, watching the market fluctuations and chasing profits all day long.​

However, this lifestyle is often accompanied by inescapable loneliness and anxiety. It is in this situation that the game (Unemployment Simulator 2018) launched by Finnish developer Samuel Lehikoinen attracted attention and It sparked a wave of discussion in the community.​

《失業模擬器 2018》預告畫面Image source: Steam (Unemployment Simulator 2018) trailer screen


(Unemployment Simulator 2018) is currently available on the Steam platform, and the exact release time has not yet been announced. The theme of the game, as the name suggests, requires players to play the role of a long-term unemployed person, enduring social isolation and social isolation in a small apartment in central Finland. Inner anxiety and pressure from all aspects.​

Realistic metaphor of the game: The lonely survival technique of the currency speculator

Have you ever fantasized about quitting your job and relying on full-time currency trading to replace your job, but in the end, your life became more and more stressful due to high stress, the pressure of no income, and the liquidation of positions again and again?​

In the (Unemployment Simulator 2018) game, players are trapped in the small space of their own lives, just like a full-time currency speculator life, and need to complete daily tasks such as self-care, housework, and job hunting, while (Unemployment Simulator 2018) 2018) subtly introduces the concept of "dopamine", allowing players to maintain their mental health.​

《失業模擬器 2018》預告畫面Image source: Steam (Unemployment Simulator 2018) trailer screen

Various events will also occur during the game, such as spending money on medical treatment as soon as you make money, or owing a lot of debt due to investment failure, etc. This is very similar to the daily life of currency speculators: while chasing the next big thing, While trying to maintain their basic needs, they also have to face the big and small bad things in daily life, and are constantly tortured by pressure and anxiety.​

《失業模擬器 2018》預告畫面Image source: Steam (Unemployment Simulator 2018) trailer screen

In addition, when the market is calm, many people may make some high-risk investment operations in pursuit of excitement or short-term gains, or even blindly chase short-term hyped currencies. Such behavior often comes with huge risks and can lead to serious losses, which can plunge people into deeper anxiety and loneliness.​

Psychedelic gameplay in games: the cruelty of reality

(Unemployment Simulator 2018) is attractive not only for its unique narrative method, but also for the psychedelic scenes in the game. In the daily process of the game, you will suddenly encounter strange passages, fight and avoid robots. Skeletons and other plots.​

《失業模擬器 2018》預告畫面Image source: Steam (Unemployment Simulator 2018) trailer screen

For speculators, these sudden monsters or suddenly distorted scenes are like the mental torture of staring at the market every day, or not having a job, facing social environment, family pressure and uncertainty about the future every day. A sense of certainty.​

(Unemployment Simulator 2018) provides a variety of endings, reflecting the different results that every currency speculator may face in reality - in the market, some people can finally successfully escape endless pressure and achieve financial freedom; while others , you may get lost in the repeated market fluctuations and eventually fall into endless anxiety and loneliness.​

《失業模擬器 2018》預告畫面Image source: Steam (Unemployment Simulator 2018) trailer screen

(Unemployment Simulator 2018) The loneliness and pressure mechanisms in the game have also become a "spiritual training ground" for currency speculators. Do you want to become a full-time currency speculator at home? You might as well simulate how to bear the burden of life and stress in the (Unemployment Simulator 2018) game while maintaining mental health and the motivation to survive!