Let's talk about the rolling strategy. Many people think this is risky.

I can tell you that the risk is very low, much lower than the futures order opening logic you play.

If you only have 50,000, how to start with 50,000? First of all, this 50,000 should be your profit. If you still lose money, don't read it.

If you open a position in Bitcoin with 10,000, the leverage is set to 10 times, and use the position-by-position mode, only open a 10% position, that is, only open 5,000 yuan as a margin. In fact, this is equivalent to 1x leverage and 2 points stop loss. If you stop loss, you only lose 2%. Only lose 2%? 1,000 yuan. How did those people who "exploded their positions" get liquidated? Even if you get liquidated, you will only lose 5K, right? How can you lose everything?

If you are right, and Bitcoin rises to 11,000, you continue to open 10% of the total funds, and set a stop loss of 2% as well. If you stop loss, you still make 8%. What about the risk? Isn't it said that the risk is very high? And so on.…

If Bitcoin rises to 15,000, and you increase your position smoothly, you should be able to make about 200,000 in this 50% market, and if you catch such a market twice, it will be about 1 million.

There is no such thing as repetition. Profit +, 100 times is earned by 2 times 10 times, 3 times 5 times, 4 times 3 times, not by 10% 20% compound interest every day and every month, that's nonsense.

This content not only has the operation logic, but also contains the core inner skills of trading, position management +, as long as you understand position management +, you will never lose everything.

Nowadays, the market is ups and downs, blindly working alone will never have a chance, every big drop is the time for you to increase your position, cherish this round of bull market, 👉Click on the avatar to follow Da Piaoliang, Da Piaoliang will share strategies, opinions, etc. for free in Neihu every day