Telegram, one of the most popular messaging apps in the world, has been in the spotlight due to its data disclosure policy. But before we get into the details, let’s explain it in a simple way so that everyone can understand it, even if you have no idea about technology or cryptocurrencies.

📱 What has Telegram done?

Since 2018, Telegram has been revealing the IP addresses (basically, the “address” of your internet connection) and phone numbers of people involved in criminal activity. This includes criminals who use the platform to do illegal things. While this may sound worrying to some, it’s actually something Telegram has done for years, complying with local laws in many countries, without changing its commitment to the privacy of ordinary users.

🧐 What does this mean for you as a user?

If you are an ordinary person who uses Telegram to chat with friends, family, or coworkers, you have nothing to worry about. Telegram remains a safe and private platform for most users. Only in cases where legal authorities present solid evidence of criminal activities, the company can share information with them.

🔒 How does Telegram handle these requests?

When governments or legal authorities make a formal request, Telegram carefully reviews it to ensure it complies with the law. Only after verifying that the request is legitimate do they reveal the phone numbers and IP addresses of people who are committing serious crimes.

For example, in countries like Brazil and India, Telegram has disclosed information in response to legal requests. In the case of India, which is Telegram’s largest market, the company responded to more than 2,000 requests in each quarter of 2024.

🛡️ What about privacy?

Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, has made it clear that the platform has not changed its core principles. Telegram remains committed to protecting the privacy of activists and people who need to protect themselves from corrupt governments or corporations that abuse their power.

Telegram will not allow criminals to use the platform to cause harm or evade justice, but at the same time, it will continue to defend the rights of honest people and respect freedom.

🌍 What does this mean for the future of Telegram?

Telegram is constantly evolving, and while it complies with local laws in different countries, it remains one of the safest platforms to keep your conversations private. This isn't a drastic change, but rather a clarification on how Telegram has always handled cases where public safety is at risk.

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