1. Coin circle losers need to use honorifics before talking to big A players.

2. Coin circle losers cannot interrupt when big A players are speaking.

3. Coin circle losers need to greet big A players in the morning and evening.

4. Coin circle losers are limited to 14 words with punctuation, and special expressions are prohibited.

5. Coin circle losers are strictly prohibited from sending emoticons.

6. Coin circle losers must obtain the consent of big A players before sending pictures or voice.

7. Coin circle losers can only send ten sentences a day, and they will be banned if they exceed the limit.

8. Coin circle losers are not allowed to post any information about big A players.

9. Currency will be imposed on coin circle players after 22:00.

#大A香还是大饼香 #鲍威尔谈话后市场调整降息预期 #上市公司增持BTC