ChangeNOW, a prominent cryptocurrency exchange known for its low-fee services, has introduced a Telegram Mini App to simplify crypto transactions. Founded in 2017 in Seychelles, ChangeNOW offers a non-custodial platform for swapping over 1,000 cryptocurrencies and 60+ fiat currencies. The company's no-signup policy and privacy focus have attracted around 1 million users. The team, with expertise in blockchain and finance, ensures regulatory compliance and security. ChangeNOW features a user-friendly interface, fast transactions, and support for small to large exchanges. The platform emphasizes regulatory compliance, security, and a non-custodial model. The new Telegram Mini App allows users to trade cryptocurrencies within the messaging platform, enhancing accessibility. ChangeNOW's ecosystem includes products like NOW Wallet, NOW Token, and NOWPayments, catering to various user needs. By prioritizing user experience and innovation, ChangeNOW is at the forefront of revolutionizing cryptocurrency exchanges. Read more AI-generated news on: