The Cardano project has been marked by the departure of Vladimir Karnitsky, chief developer of the cardano-transaction-lib (CTL) library.
This departure raises new concerns about Cardano's ability to attract and retain skilled talent in the rapidly changing #blockchain sector.
Mr. Karnicki noted that while he has gained significant experience working in the #Cardano ecosystem in PureScript, his enthusiasm for functional programming languages, particularly Haskell, which plays an important role in Cardano's architecture, has waned. This view reflects widespread frustration in the developer community.
Haskell is technically advanced but has a reputation for a steep learning curve, which can discourage new developers from working on the platform.
Haskell's appeal is shared by many in the industry, and Haskell's complexity and limited use outside of specialized areas also contribute to the problem. Blockchain developer Hinson Wong notes that the ecosystem surrounding Haskell and Cardano's unique UTXO model make it difficult to spread.
In comparison, the #Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) has a large community and market presence, making it less costly to develop, especially for the #DeFi project.
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