Tuesday, Bitcoin, Ethereum morning view analysis

In this golden October, we ushered in the birthday of our great motherland. On this festive day, Lao Peng sends you the most sincere blessings. May the motherland prosper, like the bright stars that illuminate our way forward. May we continue to rise like our motherland in the journey of the currency circle, and reap a lot of wealth and achievements.

Back to the market, from the current market, the previous upward trend has obviously changed. After the continuous upward movement, it was blocked by pressure. The daily K-line closed with a big negative line, which changed the overall trend of the market. The 4-hour continuous negative exploration, and the short position still has a taste of continuation. As the price of the currency continues to fall, the moving average indicator and the Bollinger band are extending downward, so in a strong market, just follow the trend and participate!

On Tuesday morning, it is recommended to short Bitcoin at 63500-63700, with a focus on 63000-62000. Short Ethereum at 2610-2630, with a focus on 2520-2450. The golden September has come to an end. Although there are mistakes in the itinerary, it does not hinder the overall brilliant performance. The silver October has come. If you have regrets or bad luck in September, Lao Peng will help you regain confidence and make up for the shortcomings of September. #HMSTR开盘 #非农就业数据即将公布 #币安上线EIGEN #大A香还是大饼香 #美国8月核心PCE创4月以来新高 $BTC $ETH $BNB