Drop from KZGFuneral

▶️ #drops

🤝The KZGFuneral memecoin community team announced a drop of the $KZG meme for POAP minters for Ethereum KZG Ceremony is a free event in honor of the EIP-4844 update, which we wrote about earlier.

▫️The drop will be received by just over 80k wallets, you can check your wallet for POAP here;

▫️Each wallet will be able to claim 4844 tokens, details on the claim will be later;

▫️100% of the supply will go to the drop.

❗️Please note that this is not a claim from the official team that held the ceremony with the POAP mint.

👾Also don't forget to use proxy from Proxy-seller for various activities.

🗣POAP mintili?

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