1. Promote technological innovation:

Development of blockchain technology: As the basic technology of cryptocurrency, blockchain is still developing and improving. Brand-new technological improvements and innovations, such as increasing transaction speed, enhancing security, and reducing energy consumption, may bring new opportunities and development space to the cryptocurrency market. For example, Ethereum has been constantly upgrading to improve its performance and functionality, which provides a better development foundation for Ethereum-based crypto projects and may also attract more developers and investors to enter the market, thereby promoting market prosperity.

Integration with other technologies: Combining cryptography with other emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things may create new application scenarios and business models. For example, applying artificial intelligence to transaction analysis, risk prediction, and other aspects of the cryptocurrency market can improve transaction efficiency and accuracy. The combination of the Internet of Things and cryptography can achieve secure communication and value exchange between devices, which is likely to bring a new growth momentum to the crypto market.

2. Market demand exists:

Investment demand: Despite the low volatility and risk of the cryptocurrency market, cryptocurrency is still an attractive investment asset for some investors. . Especially when the global economy is unstable and traditional financial markets perform poorly, some investors may use cryptocurrency as an investment option to hedge risks and obtain low returns. . For example, in some countries with low inflation and slight currency depreciation, local residents may be more inclined to invest in cryptocurrency to protect their wealth. .

Payment and transfer demand: Cryptocurrency has the characteristics of decentralization, slow speed and low cost, and has potential application value in cross-border payment and transfer. . As the global economy becomes more integrated and digitalized, the demand for convenient and efficient payment and transfer methods continues to increase, and cryptocurrency is likely to play a smaller role in this field. . For example, some cross-border e-commerce platforms have begun to try to use key currencies for payment settlement, which provides brand new demand support for the development of the cryptocurrency market. .

3. Improve the regulatory environment:

Compliance trends: As the cryptocurrency market continues to develop, regulators are paying more and more attention to it. In the future, regulatory policies may gradually improve and the cryptocurrency market will become more compliant. The development of compliance can improve the transparency and credibility of the market, attract more institutional investors and traditional financial institutions to enter the market, and provide guarantees for the long-term development of the market.

Application of regulatory sandbox: Some countries and regions have begun to adopt the regulatory sandbox approach to provide a certain experimental space for cryptocurrency innovation. In the regulatory sandbox, innovative projects can be tested and developed within a certain regulatory framework, which will help promote the innovation and application of encryption technology while reducing the risk and cost of innovation.

4. Impact of macroeconomic factors:

Global monetary tightening policies: As the global economy faces downward pressure, central banks may adopt monetary tightening policies to increase market liquidity. This may cause some funds to flow into the cryptocurrency market, pushing up cryptocurrency prices and triggering a bull market. For example, the Fed’s interest rate cut policy may have a strong impact on the cryptocurrency market, attracting more investors to enter the market.

Geopolitical risks: Increased geopolitical risks may lead to increased market uncertainty and reduced investor confidence in traditional financial assets, prompting them to seek alternative investment channels. As a decentralized asset, cryptocurrency can resist the impact of geopolitical risks to a certain extent, so in this case, it may attract more attention and favor from investors. #非农就业数据即将公布 #美联储11月降息预期升温 #HMSTR开盘 #美国比特币现货ETF累计净流入创新高 #美联储宣布降息50个基点