After your first 6 months in crypto,

You should be SMART enough to know these:

1. Crypto YouTubers don’t give a shit about you.

Their loyalty is to engagement, not your wallet.

2. The hype cycle is your enemy.

If everyone is shouting about a coin, you're already too late.

3. Exit liquidity is real, and it could be you.

If you’re buying when they’re selling, you’re holding the bag.

4. Everyone loves a good pump until it dumps.

Understand that extreme euphoria is a signal to reconsider,

Not buy more.

5. No one knows where the top or bottom is.

6. Risk management is your lifeline.

Without it, you're not trading

You are gambling.

7. Take profits when others hesitate.

Being greedy and waiting for "just a bit more" is what breaks most traders.

8. DYOR is not a cliché, it’s a necessity.

If you don’t understand what you’re buying,

You’re simply hoping.

Now I promise you,

If you understand these principles,

You're already ahead of the majority.

We’re here to win, not to get played.

#Dyor #BitEagleNews #BTCPredictedNewATH